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I've had a Visa Card (Ruby Steel) for 2 years and get 1% cashback.
You have to look at it this way, you spend the money, with or without cashback, but this way you get 1% off everything (including pet food)
Why not take the 1% with you?

Edit: If you put €10 into a $SPYI every month for 30 years, you'll end up with around €8300 in today's purchasing power, adjusted for inflation.
That's 1100 kebabs or something... 😅

Edit 2: A little thought experiment, imagine your current card provider were to charge you 1% more for every purchase, you would certainly go on the barricades and change providers.
So if it's rational to switch providers when the cost is 1% higher, then it's also rational to switch providers when the cashback is 1%.
Or am I making a mistake here? 🤔
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@PowerWordChill Some call it a thought experiment, others call it switching to the local savings bank
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@PowerWordChill So the offer from TR is worse.
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@Techaktien? HUH ??? Sorry I can't follow right now, can you please elaborate?