
Hello all,

I am a 22 year old student

and wanted to ask if you have tips to improve my portfolio

so far I invest dividend-oriented, which I want to expand further

the S&P 500 overlaps with other single positions

should this be continued anyway or should I reallocate?

Does anyone else know a WTF with AI and Robotics with a future?

or other tips I am. Always open#bewertung


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There you go to the trouble and write you under your old portfolio feedback from yesterday under another name tips that are longer than your own post and you do not even get a reaction or a comment. Your portfolio you have already adjusted something, at least as far as the many World ETFs and S&P500 IT and NASDAQ. Also, BlackRock is no longer your largest position, but the S&P500. That makes it at first glance no longer quite so bad and goes in the right direction! Remains exactly what @Krush82 has said. With the titles you can start, question the individual sector ETFs and look at the contribution of @RoronoaZoro https://app.getquin.com/activity/BbSKGwKWfW?lang=de&utm_source=sharing I also stock a sector ETF but the contribution provides the right food for thought to question them.
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Your portfolio is set to private. So no one has insight
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