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It's been on my watchlist for some time, whenever I have money to spare 😁
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@income_magician_28 No money? Then you should try Scalable Credit. 😂
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@itZNico why? didn't you get one?
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@Drachen But my credit line is high enough. I find this more practical than the instant payments at SC. With instant, you would have paid a 1% or so fee just for a transfer. Just as annoying as when you sell something on eBay, the buyer doesn't select "friends and family" on PayPal and you get charged a fee. Credit is like an overdraft, you can buy today when a stock opportunity arises and don't have to wait 2 days for the money to be transferred in the hope that prices haven't run away yet. You only pay interest for the duration of the loan (6.97% p.a. or 1.74% per quarter, 0.019% per day).