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Very nice and very informative for me.
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@Dividendenopi goes even better but there wasn't too much data from them on finchat. The IR of DBS is very poor. Maybe there will be another stock that I like and has enough data to publish a "real analysis". Although this would probably go beyond the scope of this article
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@topicswithhead if anyone really reads it seriously with so much text. Well, if I am interested in the paper in question, then yes. But the information is already more than sufficient to deepen my interest and to carry out further analyses of my own.
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@Dividendenopi well i mean basically you have to ask yourself what you are writing for here. So far I have only reached the big audience with junk posts and therefore you have to admit to yourself that if you write something it should first of all be for yourself and then for the remaining 1000-10000 people (depending on how it is read).