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However, analysts are much closer to the companies than we small investors.
That's why I wouldn't completely ignore analysts' opinions.
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@Tenbagger2024 I also don't understand why many investors here on getquin don't take these analysts' reports seriously.
There must be a reason why banks employ such analysts. Why do they exist if you shouldn't take them so seriously?

So this is a serious question because I would really like to understand it.
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The banks also invest in companies themselves and through their products.
To avoid relying on external opinions, they have their own analysts who analyze and monitor the companies.
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@Tenbagger2024 I don't want to write them off, but what's the point if most analysts are wrong even though they spend their lives analyzing. They also have an incredible number of biases such as positive bias and co. They also don't invest your money. All in all, the analyst brings you much more. They haven't seen Nvidia, they haven't seen Tesla and so much more. Every statistic shows that many people don't find alpha and it's no different with them.
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I agree with you.
Analyst opinion is just one tool in the toolbox that you can use for your strategy. But to build a house you need a variety of tools.