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Why the fundamental assumption that private investors who play with equities or other assets in addition to their ETFs absolutely want to beat the market in the long term?

We are all very well aware that statistically we will not be able to do this, especially not for decades.

The highest possible return is not the only reason for investing in various assets. @Renditedichter has actually summarized it very nicely, with various reasons that also apply to me.

In addition to my really very personal urge of non-rational curiosity and the "want to play" instinct.
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@Metis "You" all don't really realize that you can't do it, because you always see people posting their stocks and writing that they want to try to beat the market or think so.
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@Metis and what makes you think that I have a fundamental assumption that everyone is trying to beat the market in the long term. If you read through my post, it expresses a completely different thing
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@spongeboy Well. Of course there are those who try and say so clearly. But there are enough people whose goal is not that and who don't write it anywhere.

And yet, between the lines, that's exactly what you're saying. That "everyone" would try to do that.