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To be honest, I don't really understand where the accusations came from, there is NO proof that extraordinary "excess profits" were made, all the politicians' statements contain a "could" or "probably possible". And until all the changes in the law that Habeck & co. want to introduce in this regard are really decided, the 3-month fuel discount has already expired anyway. It's just a sensitive topic, with which many people can be easily picked up, mMn.
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@Minusgeschaeft Yes. All this rapid shooting is absolutely unserious for every discussant. It doesn't matter whether it's politics or society. First, facts should be checked and then one can argue objectively. But our society seems to have successfully trained itself out of this ability.
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@InvestmentPapa I agree. I think the culture of discussion is generally somewhat degenerate, but I don't want to open that can of worms here. Basically, it's always pretty easy for politicians to exploit this when it comes to such sensitive topics that affect people so personally. Big speeches and personal image apparently take precedence over sound facts 😶