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If you don't like the "trash" forum here, you are welcome to fly to Dubai, where you can spend the whole day, alternating between the scrotum of Flo Pharell and his fanboys vergenuss roots
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@ILoveFiat first, flo pharell is a rag second, Dubai is not good enough and third, the structure of the app and the forum is good but only one investor group is represented here, the ETF sparer so it can not be more boring that my grandma. No one bets here on anything interesting all buy only blue chips and ETFs and then still make people ready who do not do it 😂🤡das is simply trash
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@Chris_eth sweet the own comment liken🤣🤣 You're just someone who is looking for confirmation and does not allow any other opinion. Notice your reaction here
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@ILoveFiat right I need my own confirmation then I feel always equal much hornier. No one has irgende irtein rational contra argument brought all are just hating also I have nothing against ETF savers but all should be represented here and net only irg which rags have looked too much financial flow and think ETFs is the only true and everything else is shit
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@Chris_eth think your appearance then what changes it you rag? I'm talking to you here how you deal with other users