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Nice! Don't spend everything at once🤪
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@stefan_21 Isn't the dividend amount roughly equivalent to two savings plan executions on your Strike account? 😂
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@Ash not anymore haha😂😂
I created a bigger weekly one and paused the hourly one - even though it was already pretty cool😆
Getting a push notification of a successful Bitcoin purchase every hour is quite something :D
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@stefan_21 I will be running my first savings plan via Strike in October. Irrespective of this, do you perhaps have a good source when it comes to Bitcoin and taxes? Or how to provide evidence in case the tax office comes knocking?
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@Ash I can recommend CoinTracking to you. You can enter your purchases and sales there and get a tax report if necessary. You also always have an overview of how many Bitcoin are already tax-free and when which Bitcoin will become tax-free.
The tool is even free for up to 200 transactions :)
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@stefan_21 Thank you! I'll take a look. ❤️#bestermann
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@stefan_21 Logo with black C and white T against a blue background and developer is Cointracking GmbH?