
Woooo is my dividend left?

Often (sometimes very often and especially on Mondays and Tuesdays) you read this question.

OK in the current case $BATS (-0.36%)
$BN4 (-0.03%) and $UNM (-0.14%) . Payday Friday.

Well and good payday was Friday. What does that mean and what actually happens until the money is booked to the clearing account?

The following process flow describes the dividend and interest payments. As with capital maẞnahem, dividend payments are also decided by the stock corporation's annual general meeting. All customers who hold shares in this company in their securities account on a given record date are entitled to participate.

Dividend payments

As soon as the securities are booked into the customer's securities account and the General Meeting of Shareholders of the stock corporation resolves an income distribution, this is implemented as described in the process below.

Step 1

Publication of an income distribution WM securities notices LAG = depository (central securities depository)

Step 2

The LAG notifies the AG's paying agent of the portfolio of securities that is entitled to the distribution of income on a certain date.

Step 3

The paying agent transfers the total amount of the income distribution in question to the LAG.

Step 4

The LAG notifies the custodian banks that the income distribution has been received in their LAG accounts.

Step 5

Bank verifies receipt of payment.

Step 06.


Starts the processing run in the own WP system.

Step 07.

Posts the income distributions to the accounts of the holding customers.

And after all this has happened, and it doesn't happen in 2 seconds, you can finally rejoice.

And sometimes the process takes a little while. Stay calm->it will come





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Yes, it is. But where is my dividend now? I better write a post 🤔😉
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@kundenservice can you somehow manage that as soon as one at getquin again asks the question of "where is my dividend", the phone then starts to vibrate and at the same time SOS alarm turns on and then this post is automatically displayed?🤔 😁 Thank you @GoDividend 😁👍
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I have a question. Where is my dividend for $BATS? I still haven't received it and have been waiting for it since Friday.
thank you for the detailed explanation i had already asked myself today about the dividend of $BATS
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Even not paying your own bill on time but going wild when the dividend is late... I like it.
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This post should be "bookmarked" by every stock market beginner! 🙏
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I sometimes have to wait only 1-2 days. But that doesn't really bother me. The main thing is that I get my dividends😁.
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Before anyone asks, the dividend from $CAT was just posted at Finanzen.net Zero. Just wanted to mention it
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