
GTAA: regrouping at the turn of the month.

Sell: EMU Smallcaps (-2.0%)

Buy: Gold (USD)

GTAA allocation current:

40% Gold

17.5% Nasdaq100 (target: 40%)

17.5% Bitcoin (target: 20%)

25% Cash (for post-buy Nasdaq100, Bitcoin)

Note on buying gold: I have now included this asset in my GTAA model despite an already high proportion of gold in my overall portfolio, as this significantly improves the long-term return-risk ratios. And that's what matters, isn't it?

GTAA is a process, not an outcome.

WisdomTree Physical Gold Daily Hedged logo
Bought x501.61 at €11.15

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I'll make my evaluation only with the XETRA closing price of today. I will report 🙂
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Exactly, that's how it looks for me too. At the moment I hold NASDAQ, Gold and EMU SC.
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I am curious. For me, Nasdaq100 and gold are unchallenged on the top2 momentum places. Down, but just above SMA200 EMU SC and EM SC. The rest (COMM, TLT) is on sale.
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