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@oliverplass in your posts it sounded so easy 😂 Well coding should not be the problem, basic knowledge is there, best would be Cisco to CCNA 😂 Yes that with the worthwhile I've also noticed 🙄 interesting it would still be to test, but as you once said, the few sats you get, can be worth more later! Especially because the people now send more, because lower value zZ and there kicks the fee just more. Is there no other way to earn sats in addition? I loaded directly as the first! First I need a few more sats ... and more money for sats!
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@oliverplass yes that's what I mean, better start now before the train has left again! Rather build something now
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@oliverplass would the whole eig also work with a HDD?
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@oliverplass hmmm...okay, I'll check, have had ordered 500gb, but seems to be too little, fortunately not yet opened
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@oliverplass that's why I want to set up something like this 😂 but best in simple and without dependence on others. how which layer builds on the other, you do not need to tell me 🤣 ISO/OSI you learn by heart in training 😄 Until in 20-30 I'll probably need something bigger than the Pi, there you can switch right along with it
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Boys, I just ordered the hardware and will try out the whole thing as well. Do you have nen Discord channel ready for technical exchange or grief box? 😃
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