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The I and the A are in the wrong order 😅. This is just the way it is sometimes on the stock market. You do your analysis and think something is way undervalued, but it takes sometimes 2-3 years before the market thinks the same. It is frustrating sometimes, but the profits will come, just be patient.
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@JorisInvests jaja I did mean $IAG (airline). $AIG (inssurance) I think it is fairly valuated at current prices and has had a good run since covid lows.
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@Carles it was a small joke, because everything with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going up and up and your stock is IAG and not AIG (that is performing well, and as you say, that one isn't AI related at all). As I said, don't worry, the stock will go up eventually
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@JorisInvests jajajaja ok good one