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As a matter of principle, I never buy more in order to lower a buy-in. If I do, the buy-in goes up.

losers average losers.

With my red positions, I tend to ask myself "what did I do wrong to be in the red". Once all this has been clarified, the share is either sold or I am convinced of the stock
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@Alpalaka but if you are still convinced, do you still not buy more to lower the buy in?
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@Joris no. I also only buy from a certain + xx%.
If the share is in the red for me, I must have done something wrong when analyzing the entry point
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What is wrong and why should I have sold Meta, for example?
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@Burner and why? Why wouldn't it have been better to buy share XY 4 weeks later for €10 less?
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@Burner Then it's something else.
I always get in once.
The other day, as an exception, I got in halfway through twice because I wasn't sure. Let's see how they develop
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@Alpalaka Thank you for your opinion! That sounds very sensible.
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@Burner Savings plan is smart, but I don't have the option because I'm under 18 and can't have an account with a broker that offers it, I do everything through my house bank.