
The last dividend of $PEP (+0.19%) for the 3rd quarter is also in the vault. Final spurt 2024 can begin.

After my dividends in Q2 (net -9.7%) were somewhat more meagre (reallocations, cuts, postponement to other months), the books show a plus of 37.4% for Q3. I have therefore almost reached the full result for 2023.

My portfolio rocket of the last week is $2318 (+5.59%) (PingAn), my only China investment. My purchase price has not quite been reached again, dividends continue to flow nicely and I remain optimistic.

Building up cash is proving difficult. $NESN (-0.02%)
$TGT (+2.86%) and $MC (+1.3%) were too tempting after all. Let's see what the last few months bring.

Attached is a screenshot of my good old Excel (Numbers) spreadsheet ... from a time before getquin when people still read newspapers 🤓

PepsiCo logo
Received x30.25 Dividends at $1.355

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How did you make the beautiful graphic?
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Very impressive - thanks for sharing. Posts like this are very motivating

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