Opinion: If it has to be an Italian bank, then UniCredit
@__FunFun__ it depend what you want, if you want re sell then stick to unicredit, if you want dividends then 8% from isp is a steal...uni give 5%. Both are solid banks isp has the most open spot banks of the world(no joke)..even in case of a crysis they can cut cost. Uni cant, they alredy did....uni is blackrock owned tought.....and is likely to buy german stuff in next future.
@wealth_whisperer_565 IMO

ISP = high Dividend but thats it - Like BASF, Petro brasil, AT&T etc

UniCredit = good semi Growth Dividend Like Mitsubishi Corp. Etc Not 100% Dividend growth like BlackRock, Waste Management, itocchu… but also Not 100% high Dividend Like basf, AT&T - just a decent middle ground of Dividend and growth