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Nice finally one more what Postet :D Can / may the TER of an ETF eigl change over time? I have wondered for some time but never googled
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@SharkAce Yes may well be, at the moment it is, since the providers give each other good competition rather so that it will be cheaper for us :) If soon The takeover of Lyxor by Amundi will be completed, there may be some good discounts, let's see :) But at Lyxor there were in the last few years some themes Etfs eg the Lyxor Millenials, Disruptive Tech etc which initially had a TER of 0.15 for half a year, was a kind of action but after half a year they were increased to 0.45, but was also so on the website just a kind of customer catch a la, get in yet it is cheap :D I myself have e.g. the EM Asia of Ishares in the depot that was once at TER 0.65 or so believe, now 0.20. Or the Ishares Em SRI was at 0.20, now 0.25. So yes can always change times in one or the other direction^^
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@Dreamliner am also with ishares and have always considered switching to a cheaper but in the end the impact is probably minimal compared to the effort 😅 But cool thanks 👍🏼
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@SharkAce depending if you are interested on the financial flow website there is a calculator if and when it is worth it :)
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@Dreamliner also heard of but never tested :D I should vlt times make but eigl want to stay with ishares 😂 have after all also Blackrock haha Support me quasi myself
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@SharkAce yo there have in principle made nothing big wrong. Also have many ishares ;)