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I don't see it but you seem to have done some research on the stock so if you believe in it go for it. 5 years doubling plus dividend would not be a bad investment
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@topicswithhead Hey, thanks for your opinion. May I ask what exactly you don't see? Or what you see that I haven't seen yet that makes you doubt.
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@omgjuli I don't necessarily see the market growing like this and that the margins can be corrected upwards so easily. That doesn't mean you're wrong, my market expectation is different. The trend is correct, but there are other questions. Like contact lenses, any medicine or optical interventions. Nobody should be ashamed of wearing glasses, but many people do and I am of the opinion that this will not decrease. That's why I rely on $AFX or any offers.
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@topicswithhead Evening, Fielmann also offers contact lenses but most people still prefer glasses. $AFX is certainly an interesting investment. (Nothing for me, I already have far too many turnarounds in my portfolio anyway)
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@omgjuli I know that Fielmann offers contact lenses but, unlike glasses, you can buy them almost anywhere. You probably want to test the glasses once, but with contact lenses you only need to know which ones you need. But that could also be the case as you are right. In my opinion, the market is getting bigger but more and more market shares are going to surgery, medicine or contact lenses. Analyses or forecasts are always based on your own opinion. If you believe in glasses, Filemann is a good buy in