Looking at the performance of your portfolio, a world ETF alone would be the best decision to make. For me, especially as a beginner in the stock market, the decision to invest exclusively in individual stocks is downright megalomaniacal and does not show good self-reflection and judgment.
Thank you for your feedback, even if I find it a bit hard to get used to. The fact that the performance of a pure stock portfolio is subject to fluctuation, especially in recent months, depending on the weighting, is nothing dramatic from my point of view. Of course, an ETF offers more stability here. But why you as an investor are considered unreflective, because you invest in companies instead of an ETF, I can not understand. That I could have started 2 years ago with an ETF and that would certainly have formed a solid core, I would not deny, however. My performance after 2 years, of Corona, Russia, inflation and "bank problem" I therefore see as okay. What is perhaps a bit awkward, the presentation including employee shares. Will edit my post again and select only my portfolio.
Thank you for your feedback, even if I find it a bit hard to get used to. The fact that the performance of a pure stock portfolio is subject to fluctuation, especially in recent months, depending on the weighting, is nothing dramatic from my point of view. Of course, an ETF offers more stability here. But why you as an investor are considered unreflective, because you invest in companies instead of an ETF, I can not understand. That I could have started 2 years ago with an ETF and that would certainly have formed a solid core, I would not deny, however. My performance after 2 years, of Corona, Russia, inflation and "bank problem" I therefore see as okay. What is perhaps a bit awkward, the presentation including employee shares. Will edit my post again and select only my portfolio.
It's not directed against you personally, it's just your current situation as a newcomer to the stock market and the lack of experience/knowledge. Nobody has that at the beginning, so I recommend everyone to start with a world ETF at least as a basis, if not as the only position in the portfolio. After you have moved long enough in the jungle of the stock market, you can talk about a restructuring or expansion. You will never lose money by investing in world ETFs with a calm mind, perseverance and a sufficiently long investment horizon!
It's not directed against you personally, it's just your current situation as a newcomer to the stock market and the lack of experience/knowledge. Nobody has that at the beginning, so I recommend everyone to start with a world ETF at least as a basis, if not as the only position in the portfolio. After you have moved long enough in the jungle of the stock market, you can talk about a restructuring or expansion. You will never lose money by investing in world ETFs with a calm mind, perseverance and a sufficiently long investment horizon!
Hi, thanks for your recommendation. I have to admit that I still think differently. Nevertheless, thank you for your honest feedback. That's what you want to get 👌👍
Hi, thanks for your recommendation. I have to admit that I still think differently. Nevertheless, thank you for your honest feedback. That's what you want to get 👌👍
All fine. It's great when you firmly believe in your strategy and its goal. You will have thought of something and insist on it. That shows strength of character. 💪 The main thing is that you have, as can be seen in the article, sufficiently occupied with the companies in which you are invested and are satisfied with your approach. With your current margeren performance, I would take the precaution of making an inventory every year without inhibition and consider in years of underperformance compared to the market (and thus a world ETF), whether a shift for you would come into question.
Because in the end, the most beautiful and most individual portfolio is of no use if the corresponding market return of 8% on average is not delivered approximately. The increase of money is in the foreground for all of us and therefore one should always keep an open and critical eye towards oneself and others.
All fine. It's great when you firmly believe in your strategy and its goal. You will have thought of something and insist on it. That shows strength of character. 💪 The main thing is that you have, as can be seen in the article, sufficiently occupied with the companies in which you are invested and are satisfied with your approach. With your current margeren performance, I would take the precaution of making an inventory every year without inhibition and consider in years of underperformance compared to the market (and thus a world ETF), whether a shift for you would come into question.
Because in the end, the most beautiful and most individual portfolio is of no use if the corresponding market return of 8% on average is not delivered approximately. The increase of money is in the foreground for all of us and therefore one should always keep an open and critical eye towards oneself and others.