
The 3-fold leveraged experiment was terminated. Approx. 1600 euros profit on the day trade, approx. 4500 euros loss. Makes. ca 3K loss. A 3x ETF does not make up 1:1 if the price falls when it rises again. I.e. when Nasdaq 100 was back at the time of purchase, the 3x was still in the red as often described due to path dependency and TEUR. I see a correction possibility for tech stocks in 2024 and the risk was too great for me to go into the red again to this extent. That was hard to bear. I plan to reduce my hours/work part-time soon, for which the portfolio pays, and there are extensive investments in the pipeline. I will keep you up to date. Thanks for reading and thanks to everyone who has the balls to post a dip in the toilet.


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I think it's great that you also report on a failed project. You can learn more from that than from any winning posts!

Can you briefly describe the key data of the experiment again?
Capital invested, start date, end date, trading rule. Reason for stop.

I would be interested because I am running a similar experiment with 3xGTAA.
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Such contributions are important 👍
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I belong to the generation that went through a Greek bankruptcy. Thank goodness I had a stop loss and got out of it with minus 3 thousand. Buy at 98% automatic sell at 90%. After a few days the prices had plummeted to 30%. Then I became even more cautious. Your experiences are worth their weight in gold if you allocate them correctly. Otherwise you will realize that gambling is addictive. Then you might as well go to the arcade every day and put coins in, at least you'll have some exercise until you reach the slot machine :).
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It's nice that you also share the loss.
But to be honest, you could hardly have entered at a worse time. 01.04.2022 was the start of a 10-year bull market. At the same time, there was a trend reversal as the 200-day line was broken from above. If you had followed a few rules, you had made a few thousand plus in that time.
The paper already provides a good basis of knowledge:



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I've burned my fingers on that thing before. Have fun part-time :) I'm also doing my last year full-time 👍🏽
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Nice contribution! Can be linked as a reference for many who get the idea.
What a coincidence. I also sold the same ETF today at 140.87€. But I was lucky and made +30%. Of course only with "play money".
Many thanks for the contribution!
I'm still up 187% 😁
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I bought this ETF in the last low and have done VERY well with it over the last year. But I have now also reduced my position very, very significantly, similar thought process.
I'm also running a little experiment and am in a weekly savings plan with €25, up 21.8% since July 23.
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