do you see $8035 as a mega opportunity to get in now?
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I would not buy into the falling knife here.
And wait for a bottom to form first.
The price is already below the 200-day line.
There's no telling how much further it will go down.
@Tenbagger2024 all right then I'll wait
@Tenbagger2024 Which stocks do you currently find very interesting?
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Perhaps take a look at an advantest
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I observe a
And will buy in due course
Otherwise one more
@Tenbagger2024 do you find them more attractively valued?
I find tokyo very interesting
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Maybe keep watching both of them
@Tenbagger2024 yes you say wait and see with tokyo but it looks like it has already come too far under the wheels
I don't think it will fall any further
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Finding the right time is difficult.
To avoid the risk of the price falling even further, I would rather wait until the bottom has formed and the price rises again.
@Tenbagger2024 all clear
let's see what happens
I hope the oldie doesn't run away from me