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👎Additional payment to the tax office
👎Increased advance payment to the tax office
👎Social security back payment
👎High advance payment to social security
👎Purchase prices far too high
👎Difficult order situation
👎Half book only through

👌Depot currently well in the black
👌Not heard the buzzing of a jellyfish yet
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@BoersePG oh man, that really doesn't sound nice. Which book are you currently reading?
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@Noel absolutely not, but as a self-employed person you have to get through it.

I'm reading day trading for beginners because I want to get to grips with the "lever" and want to understand it first. Unfortunately, the book only covers this on 5 pages and I still don't understand it.
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@BoersePG I think I read that book once too. I think there are good courses on Udemy where the stock market is explained well and also some for day trading. The courses are often displayed as expensive, but you can always get them for 15€ with vouchers and discounts. You can also find lots of videos on YouTube, but I personally find real courses more structured.