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Dude, in all honor, your effort, but no one here reads such long texts. At least I don't. Can't you describe it briefly and concisely in five sentences 🙃 or give me a call and you can read it to me 
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@Testo-Investor what you write here is exactly what I suspected haha😂
But I thought I'd see how it goes down. Depending on that, I'll make the effort in the future - or not :)
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@stefan_21 yes, it's meant correctly but it's a bit long for me at least but I'm not the type to read Alan long texts yet, but rather watch videos
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@Testo-Investor Copilot your friend and helper - in a nutshell :-) (haven't read the post or Copilot's answer) : Bitcoin is a fascinating system that is self-regulating and based on a multitude of interlocking control loops. Here are some important aspects:

1. **Mining and Difficulty:**
- As the price of Bitcoin increases, mining becomes more attractive as the reward becomes more valuable.
- More miners join the network, which increases the hashrate.
- The difficulty level adjusts to the current hashrate every 2016 blocks.
- Unprofitable miners are eliminated, which reduces the hashrate and lowers the difficulty level.

2 **Efficiency and renewable energies:**
- Efficient miners use cheap electricity, often from renewable sources.
- The demand for cheap electricity promotes renewable energy.
- Bitcoin helps promote green energy without political regulation.

3 **Block rewards and halving events:**
- Every 210,000 blocks, the reward for miners halves.
- Less new Bitcoin in the market lowers the inflation rate.
- Halving increases media attention and can influence the price.

Interesting side fact: Bitcoin halving always takes place every 4 years and, interestingly, always in the US election year. 🎉
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@Papiertiger I'm about to go to bed 😂 completely knackered today
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@Testo-Investor well, if the person is interested, one more is gained, so there is added value, it's well written and convincing, so it's worth it 🫡
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@Papiertiger Sorry, but when I read something like "Bitcoin contributes to the promotion of green energy"...
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@keinStress please see my discussion with devnerd_daddy in the comments. Then I don't always have to write everything 5 times :)
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@keinStress Copilot just summed it up. Not my beer 🍺 🤓
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@Testo-Investor and I'm more the type who reads long texts and for whom any video longer than 2 minutes is too long 😘
@Testo-Investor lol even too lazy to read the summary😂