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What I don't understand: if Bitcoin is as good as many say, why is it being advertised?

If I see an asset that is clearly trading below value in the long term, I would do my utmost to draw someone else's attention to it. As long as the price is cheap, I can continue to increase my holdings.
With Bitcoin, however, everyone talks about it all day long, so that even the last person has heard about it.

It doesn't really affect me, as I'm not invested myself - shame on me. But I would still be interested.
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@KevinE Because (1) people who have spent a certain number of hours dealing with Bitcoin develop an incredible need to share (you can only understand that if you have experienced it yourself😂) and (2) because I don't see this as advertising, but as knowledge transfer.
I don't want to tell people to buy Bitcoin, I just want to arouse their interest in learning more about the topic :)
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@KevinE I like your opinion. I feel the same way.
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@Philipp1983 The nice thing is - Bitcoin is voluntary and anyone can use it for themselves - no one has to :)
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@KevinE "advertised?" then just don't use it and get yourself invalidated haha.

Let's be honest, the topic of "money" should be discussed.
That's what this platform is for and money rules the world and is ultimately our greatest asset. Our energy and time are behind the money.

It is not advertised as "enlightenment in the matrix we live in" that happens and because people are moved to talk about it. Because they are shocked by this ugly robbery system.
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@TheOrangeExcavator What would you call it?

We all talk about money, that's why we're here at GQ.
@KevinE I would rather call it education. Those who really advertise it and tell you to buy it because you'll get "rich quick" usually haven't really understood it themselves.
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@KevinE I also find that idiotic. That's why I advise everyone not to buy shares. Someone has to consume. Every buy recommendation on getquin or from any other medium is also completely moronic. I also prefer to keep my Tenbagger or the recommendation for $VWRL to myself. My little dark secret 🙆
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@DonkeyInvestor well, the impact of shares / ETFs is likely to be negligible 😅
They are also bought when nobody talks about them. At the latest when a $VWRL is available for €30/share or a Microsoft for €100/share, the expected return is incredibly high - precisely because the products are in high demand and the margin is high.

I have looked into the subject of cryptocurrency (including Bitcoin) and - as with gold! - simply the belief in a value. I am fully aware that this can remain forever. After all, gold has managed it for centuries. I don't understand the irrationality of humans either...

I definitely see opportunities in the future with BTC (less so with most other cryptos), but also risks. That's why I'm not investing.

This is not meant to be a rant against Bitcoin; I am aware of the loss in performance since 2015 (when I first heard about Bitcoin). Personally, I remain true to my principle of only investing in what I am convinced of. I see a good chance that Bitcoin will increase tenfold again in the next few years.
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@KevinE You're talking about Bitcoin as if it were Beercoin and my contribution would have an impact on the price :D
I understand about gold. I've often found that people for whom gold is "worthless" think the same about Bitcoin. And that's fine too! Everyone should make their own decisions.
But in my post I didn't in any way call for people to buy Bitcoin :)
I'm just talking about the fundamentals of Bitcoin and what fascinates me about it. And I would argue that a post like this generates more added value for the community than the 274th post from someone who invests in DroneShield. But that doesn't mean I'm promoting Bitcoin.
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@KevinE Oh, there is a lot of advertising everywhere for shares and ETFs. Or investing in general. I just find the argument that it "has to" be advertised very weak