
$005380 Hi, what do you think about the purchase of Boston Dynamics by Hyundai? Good as speculation on the future trends robot market? An early pearl? Good competition to Tesla at first glance. The Atlas is already very impressive. It's all still so young and developing in the market and the Chinese are pretty far along too. The robotics ETFs do not have Hyundai in their portfolio.....that surprised me, because you can certainly make money with the products of Boston Dynamics......check it out. anyone of you maybe more in the topic inside?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJZeMgqQMjA


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Yes, it's still really hard to say who will bring the first successful service robot to market...I'll keep researching, don't want to miss this investment.
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Well...it's still in its infancy, although the thing is pretty ingenious. But as long as Boston Dynamics are still listed on the stock exchange under Hyundai, it's not interesting for me.
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