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In the long term, cashless payment is still a gigantic growth market, as cash offers no rational advantage. The established providers will continue to profit from this development. I would not write off Paypal directly just because there is a weak quarter.
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@EnjoyCapitalism naturally. Electronic payment is the future. But the question is: If you buy individual shares, you take a higher risk than if you buy ETFs. But you want more return, because the company grows faster than the market. The latter is currently no longer given. The stock is valued super expensive for the current growth. You will be outperformed by an ETF. Both in terms of return and risk.
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@MehrZumThema Which ETF is supposed to have outperformed Paypal? The "normal ETFs" certainly not:
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@MoneyGame yes, in the past! But I'm talking about the future. That is what is traded on the stock exchange. That's why the P/E ratio comes about.
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@MehrZumThema But you don't know the future. Just because there are two weak quarters, you question the whole concept. I think that's fundamentally wrong.
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@MoneyGame but the stock market trades the future and not the past.