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@ccf let my savings plans continue to run. I do not yet see the time to pump more money than usual into the market.
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@DonkeyInvestor I have also thought about whether this makes sense and am currently working on an Excel that includes various options.
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@justoxford you don't need Excel because everything is based on whether the bottom is (almost) reached or not. If yes, invest now. If no, invest later. Or does your Excel have a crystal ball?
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@DonkeyInvestor That is basically correct. What I still want to consider is the inflation of the uninvested money. In addition, I am interested in the period that I need until the "loss" is made up again, i.e. how many months or years.
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@DonkeyInvestor I have now invested in tech because I pay attention to growth and I'm not afraid to lose a little more, but I think it will quickly settle again and before it's too late I invest
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@Anon if that is your assumption, then everything done correctly 👍