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I don't understand the €10 strategy!
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What exactly don't you understand? For me, €10 a week seemed better than €40 a month, as the prices are then better balanced. That's an average of €280 per month for all savings plans, which is currently my target savings rate
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@GinkgoEZ I am still relatively new to the subject of shares, but I have now read several times that it makes more sense to invest the money in a savings plan at one time, i.e. on a fixed date. Because the "earlier" the money is in the market, the better.
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I guess that makes sense...
I'll read up on it a bit now and change it at the end of the month if necessary. Thanks for the tip!
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@GinkgoEZ but come across as stupid with "what don't you understand?". If you don't have a clue, you should keep your head down
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@Pirat123 My God, there are some unpleasant people around here, he normally asked what exactly you don't understand. Your question also made absolutely no sense because it was very imprecisely formulated why you don't understand it
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@Pirat123 This unnecessarily arrogant comment is just incomprehensible to me right now. I created this post to get feedback and tips, and your short "I don't get it!" comment was simply unclear and not exactly helpful, which is why I asked for clarification. You could have just explained it nicely instead of writing shit like that here.
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@tim_vgt you should also read again: it was never a question! I never asked a question. What's wrong with you people?
If you're going to get upset, please read properly. Always these answers and stalking around, even though YOU are completely wrong...
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@GinkgoEZ if you had informed yourself beforehand, you could have saved your shitty post (to put it in your own language)
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@GinkgoEZ some people here don't manage that so well 🤷🏽‍♂️