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The nice thing about the Bawag dividend is that it is without tax deduction, so to speak gross for net, at least as long as you don't sell the share.
A nice tax deferral😁
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@TomTurboInvest Oh well? Good to know 👌😉
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@TomTurboInvest That's exactly why it's in the depot😊👍
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@Patrick-2800 From a tax perspective, the Bawag dividend is a repayment of capital contributions. As a tax-neutral transaction, a repayment of capital contributions does not trigger any tax liability for natural persons resident in Austria 😁
The tax-relevant purchase price is reduced for this purpose, which only comes into effect in the event of a future sale.
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@TomTurboInvest oha that sounds mega good. I honestly didn't know 😬🤔 so buy more buy more buy more 😅
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@Patrick-2800 BAWAG is a great savings plan share👍
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@Kronos_ seems so yes :)
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@TomTurboInvest Hi, is this only the case at Bawag or also at other Austrian banks? thank you!
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@Puki Of the ATX stocks, I am only aware of this type of "dividend" at Bawag. There are also a few German stocks that also pay dividends via repayment of capital contributions.