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Taking responsibility is difficult, but it shows character and young people in particular benefit enormously from taking this on themselves, and I can think of two things in particular: 1. not shirking tasks that you don't feel like doing (no one wants to? then I'll do it!) 2. accepting mistakes, learning from them and not repeating them if possible. That's why I think your post, Stefan (@InvestmentPapa), is really really good. An important topic, where you show that no matter who you are, you can make mistakes. (@ccf) Your appropriate name in this community also contributes to this. Because the young people among us unfortunately often learn first from their own parents that there are either no mistakes or these are disastrous & shameful. Do not be afraid of mistakes, you should be afraid of learning nothing 🐅.
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@Gerit Where is my answer... 👀 Thank you for your words. Understanding mistakes and learning to deal with them is an essential part of personal development. Learning to deal with it early is certainly empirically proven to lead to more success later on. But I have to admit: Personally, it is often difficult enough for me to always be 100% self-critical and to always evaluate mistakes as mistakes. But the way is the goal. And after all, we learn from our mistakes, as you have correctly described.
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Have unfortunately no answer to your question ready, I'm not aware that I have somehow ever benefited from a prize mistake or similar. therefore, it was even more important to me to highlight your excellent post. much of what and how I comment, I would have wished to read myself years ago. this is really very important to me and besides staying Up2Date, the only incentive to be part of a community. "By teaching, learn yourself." (or so) Just glad you're back and wish you a nice evening 😌 🐅