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That's why a $KO in a core satellite makes no sense at all.
I'm still learning, but that's exactly what I've seen a few times... or when making investment decisions. A CocaCola will certainly not beat the market over the next few years. If you already own a world ETF as a core, such defensive dividend stocks don't add any value. This is just a living example of your performances
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@Fabzy That depends on the size of your custody account! If you have 100k in your custody account and your ETF has fees of 0.2%, you will have a 0.2% lower return at the end of the year (there are 200 euros in costs).

A Coca Cola share has no ongoing fees. If your custody account has 500k, you are already at 1,000 euros per year, which increases over the year due to the (missing) compound interest effect.

Yes, with a small portfolio it makes no difference, the larger your portfolio gets, the more exciting (free) individual shares become
@Fabzy Stocks like KO are defensive stocks that you buy to bring stability to your portfolio.
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@Paketknecht THANK YOU.
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@Paketknecht But if the core consisting of World ETFs takes over the task of stability in a core satellite, there is no longer any need for a single Coke share 🤷‍♂️
@Fabzy The MSCI World is more volatile than Coca Cola, Pepsico or Colgate Palmolive, as you can easily see from the beta value. And the super dividend etf we are talking about here does not include the stocks mentioned, it is about very high dividends with dividend yields of 2 digits in some cases, the etf has a dividend yield of just under 18%.