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I would be cautious. The China business is no longer doing so well. By the way, I think asml makes 40-50% of its sales in China. Just as an aside. The Dutch are happy to be used as cannon fodder for the USA and sacrifice themselves.

Especially as asml will soon have competition from China, e.g. smee has applied for a patent for EUV lithography

No customers, no money.
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@Beeftek I think ASML is at least ten years ahead of the competition in terms of technology.
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This is already largely priced into the share price anyway.
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@TechNav people used to say yes you can't do it, but china has often exceeded these pessimistic forecasts.
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China companies can increase their turnover as much as they like, see Baidu for example. Nevertheless, hardly any foreign investors are currently investing in China and its companies.
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@Dollarsign you can have the hypergeilomatiko product/technology. If you don't have customers who buy it, what's in it for you?

China consumes 70% of the world's semiconductors.
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@Beeftek Yes, that's true. China is taking the most chips at the moment. But I think ASML will be able to compensate for this in the future. Because there are enough alternatives, such as India, which are growing more and more in all sectors of the industry. Then there's South Korea, i.e. Samsung, and the USA, i.e. Apple & Co. who are buying enough chips. ASML's longstanding technological lead also plays a major role, as does the associated quality of the machines. I personally believe in the company.