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Funny. I've been thinking about starting a share savings plan with ING for a few days now.

I've gone back to ING after changing accounts many times. Currently only the $VWCE in the savings plan.
It's a pity that $EWG2 is not eligible for savings plans at ING.

I would then only have to transfer my loss pot from Scalable to ING.

I'm thinking about adding $MSFT $V $AMZN as a savings plan
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@six You will probably not be able to save the EWG2 anywhere, as you have to buy the gold in grams. Since it has to be physically deposited, fractions will probably not work. At least that's my guess.
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf oops now I've commented on a 2 month old post. Sorry 😂
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf no problem 😂
Yes, you can save with Scalable Capital.
I've done that before too.