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The Gotham Report is total bs. The report could literally apply to every single PE firm. Mutates is a no brainier buy rn, dividend already gives you market performance and they have a fast growing business and compounding portfolio.
@TaxesAreTheft My 1st thoughts as well, PE firms have a very specific business model and the Gotham Reports seem to completely ignore that reality (and if that is the case, it would at least be incompetence on their behalf...). I don't know much about Mutares especifics though, so I can't really fully evaluate how serious this is.
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@ElShib the pyramid scheme allegations are pure incompetence. It’s commonly known that PE firms rely heavily on outside capital to finance takeovers etc. Most of these short sellers know that their reports are bs, they just want to create panic. I don’t believe that Gotham put much effort in this report either, the argumentation on their side is very lacklustre. They said it themselves, there is immense conflict of interest. Also the stuff they found doesn’t require great amounts of research, compared to a hindenburg report it’s total trash. It’s really reads like something some wanna be expert wrote on seeking alpha to make a stock look bad.