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In variant 1, the past dividends are not allocated to the new isin
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I have just noticed that the dividend is completely missing from the overview. Past as well as future
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@Paddy_ro well, no dividend history is yet available for the ISIN. Maybe it will just take a while until the data is available
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All of them are no longer available for me either....
I have now switched to variant 2.
@Paddy_ro wait a little. Comes back automatically
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@Paddy_ro The dividends are now in the database. :)
It always takes a while for the new data to arrive.
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I have it as a savings plan with Comdirect. Does anyone know if the old ISIN is automatically replaced or do I have to do it manually?
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@Wealthy1 In the case of an automatic connection, the entire position with the old ISIN is derecognized (sold) and then the new ISIN is booked in (bought).