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I have 6, all distributing versions, as I like dividends:
As foundation => $FTWG 35%
As regional adjustment variables
- USA => $USA 20%
- Japan => $XDJP 15%
- Europe => $CD5 15%

Source for short-term growth
=> $WELL 10%
Source for long-term growth
$NRJ 5%
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Exciting - I am also considering strengthening Japan. Possibly with an IMI to cover small caps.
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@RaphGM If you are already distributing the countries in this way, why not give up Invesco. It's so small anyway and the volume hasn't grown much in recent years. You would definitely gain in TER if you did it properly yourself.
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The FTSE All World from Invesco was only issued last summer. Would give it some time to grow :-) The market is certainly there.
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@Boatswain_ice @RaphGM Yes, it will certainly grow, but that shouldn't be my main point. He has already partially taken out the USA, Japan and Europe as well, then everything can be broken down into smaller parts and it's even cheaper.
Example like this
5% $NRJ
10% $WELL
20% $VNRT
20% $SPY5
12% $PR1W or for quarterly payments but more expensive than $VDEV or $XDWL
15% $HMEF
9% $PR1J or more expensive but quarterly $XDJP
9% $PR1E Europe cheap $PR1Z Eurozone Cheap or the 50 $H50E
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@cashwithhead It's cheaper, not even a little and works with the distribution as far as I know as above
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@Boatswain_ice Exactly, I'm missing small caps, but unfortunately the small caps ETFs at Consorsbank are still quite expensive.
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@cashwithhead All your suggestions look good and I thank you for them.
But I am with Consorsbank and the Prime Amundi and also the Vanguard are not included unfortunately.

I didn't really want to have a World ETF and only regional ETFs also for South America or maybe Asia, but they are all really expensive at Consorsbank.
There is actually this $AEMD as an alternative but it is a bit more expensive than $FTWG, with 0.18% TER.
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@cashwithhead you asked a very good question and I am now thinking.
If I add an emerging market, then I can throw out the FTSE All World, and if I keep this EM ETF % low, I can still have my cost structure favorable.

But then maybe increase the US, Europe and Japan shares.

Ps: at Consorsbank there are many free savings plans and therefore I want to benefit from them and not pay the 1.5% savings plan fees for Vanguard or HSBC.

Thanks again for that!
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@RaphGM well the vanguards and hsbc are interchangeable have also sent an xtracker below can also send others in
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$S6X0 invesco $CD5 Amundi $AE5A Em and for the usa share you can also make 36% in the sp and make 4% more in the world .in addition to the japan from before (xtracker) there is also the $NADA @RaphGM