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I have invested in the new gold. Starts with B
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@justusmerkel258 But seriously - you don't really believe that nothing in a computer will replace gold, do you? You don't really believe that Bitcoin will seriously become a currency at some point.
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Here are a few answers to your question from my point of view:

This "nothing" will help over 100 million people pay, even in countries where their purchasing power is restricted.
Bitcoin provides a decentralized and secure way to transfer value without relying on banks or governments.
With Bitcoin, people can make cross-border transactions quickly and cheaply without having to worry about exchange rates or transfer fees.
The limited total supply of 21 million Bitcoins makes it immune to inflation and protects users' purchasing power in the long term.
Bitcoin offers financial freedom to those who do not have access to traditional financial services, whether due to discrimination, poverty or lack of infrastructure.
The blockchain technology that underpins Bitcoin has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from finance to areas such as healthcare and logistics.
Bitcoin promotes financial inclusion by providing people worldwide with access to a global financial network, regardless of their location or social status.
With the ability to conduct microtransactions, Bitcoin enables new business models and revenue streams that were previously not possible.
The increasing acceptance of Bitcoin as a means of payment by businesses and institutions around the world shows that it is far more than "nothing" - it is a disruptive force in finance and beyond.
The constant evolution of Bitcoin and its underlying technology by the global developer community shows that it is a vibrant and innovative platform that is continuously improving.

These points make it clear that Bitcoin is far more than just "nothing" and that it is a transformative force in the financial world and beyond.

So what about gold?

It is THE investment of a bygone and ever-shrinking generation.

Large quantities can only be acquired via futures because gold transportation is EXTREMELY expensive.
(I come from the luxury watch industry and know how much effort such transports require in terms of security measures, transportation facilities, personnel, etc.).
In addition to the trading costs or the spread of the current exchange rate, the transportation has to be financed when buying and selling.
Bitcoin can be sent around in any quantity within seconds.
Gold can also be controlled by the state, which some people might dislike.
I could give many more reasons, but I have to catch my plane tomorrow at 6 a.m. so I have to go to bed early. Feel free to tell me your opinion.