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If the inexperienced here are betting on cryptos, but the national central banks are currently buying massive amounts of gold and not BTC, then I don't understand.

By the way... you are missing out on a huge party while sitting on completely overpriced cryptos
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@goebi22 the central bank can print unlimited amount of currency. Can you ? 🤣🤣. Stop thinking like the government. YOU ARE NOT A GOVERNMENT. STOP ACTING LIKE ONE.
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@goebi22 hopefully you already bet on crypto months/years ago. Huge party usually ends:)
@goebi22 Are you talking about physical gold?
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@goebi22 right, I missed the whole party on gold with an incredible 21%Y0Y OMG.
And I seriously bet on ASML (+55%YoY), SMCI (100%+), CRWD (100%+) and to make matters worse I just have BTC and ETH which are just gambles and not real assets. Also only got me 120%YoY. Oh man, how stupid of me. I'm going all in on gold now :(
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@SemiGrowth we'll talk again in five years. Greed!
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@goebi22 With pleasure. Then let's see where the Msci World, gold or whatever will be in 5 years and where bitcoin will be in 5 years😅
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@Piet10 stop it, you're scaring him