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To each his own - gold as an addition is okay but the return is simply too low and I see much more opportunities with shares and etfs. Most of the time gold moves sideways and when things are going well it is just about protected against inflation - with the exception of the last few weeks. Personally, I wouldn't weight it higher than 5%, just like crypto.
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@Aktienboy Have you seen the performance since 2000?
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@goebi22 Of course I did, but have you seen the performance from 2011 onwards, for example, it would have been dead money for over 10 years. As I said, it's always a matter of opinion if you feel comfortable with it, then everything is fine. For your information, from 1970 to 2020, gold had a real return (after deducting inflation) of 3.8% - the msci world was already a little stronger.
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@goebi22 If gold performs badly, then it can also perform REALLY badly for 35 years, we are talking here about inflation-adjusted MINUS 80 PERCENT:

The global stock market has never seen anything like it.

The consensus in financial science is that gold delivers lower returns with higher risk.
Gold is particularly interesting because of its low correlation.