
I currently hold 30 percent in gold and the rest in MSCI World ETFs and physical real estate.

An unbeatable combination. Little admin effort.

Why are so many here NOT heavily invested in gold?


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The return is too low for me
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Probably because there is $BTC. 😅
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Wolfgang watch out!
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To each his own - gold as an addition is okay but the return is simply too low and I see much more opportunities with shares and etfs. Most of the time gold moves sideways and when things are going well it is just about protected against inflation - with the exception of the last few weeks. Personally, I wouldn't weight it higher than 5%, just like crypto.
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Move with the times Wolfgang😄 there are so many better things than gold😂.
My mother-in-law also wants to sell me gold all the time💀
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If the inexperienced here are betting on cryptos, but the national central banks are currently buying massive amounts of gold and not BTC, then I don't understand.

By the way... you are missing out on a huge party while sitting on completely overpriced cryptos
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Because gold is not a productive asset, just like Bitcoin or anything else that is just lying around idle.

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I don't really see the value in gold, as there are new alternatives that are better than gold in every respect. Gold tries to be so many things at once and does none of them particularly well. The only reason gold is still going is because people still believe in its properties. I think in the future the more specialized assets will win out. Gold doesn't add any value to my portfolio either.
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I follow Warren Buffet here: gold produces nothing and can be used for nothing, gold does not work. It only reflects fears.
Gold can serve as an admixture of up to 10%. It is rather unsuitable for trading and investing. The spread between buying and selling is too wide.
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I have invested in the new gold. Starts with B
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