
Nokia is back on the cell phone market with a new 6310. The 0.3 megapixel camera and the lack of LTE / 5G features are particularly convincing for me.

But all jokes aside. I really had to laugh when I saw that Nokia is going back to the roots here. I mean a real advantage is maybe the battery life, if you need the phone only for emergencies or somewhere long in the wilderness is on the road.

Still, I wonder who would buy a device here, except for nostalgia, given the current smartphone offer. 60 € should cost the fun in any case :)

$NOKIA (+0.64%) will in any case by the new device a Strong Buy for me 🧢


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I already bought a Nokia a few years ago. A cell phone, which also only has a 2MP camera and otherwise, apart from Snake II, offers nothing. Only phone calls and SMS. No internet, no bluetooth, no SD card. Why did I do that? Because I was addicted to the smartphone. It was always there. Everything would be googled and looked up immediately. You were constantly available for everything (news articles by push, WhatsApp, Insta, etc etc.) I wanted to get away from that. Be free again. Just not all immediately google, but times to think or talk shop with friends. When walking in the woods just times to be alone (and yet for the absolute emergency) available, but without the theoretical possibility to have but again only to hang on the smartphone. I think it's great and I like the new phone. P.S.: Smartphone addict I am no longer and sometimes the phone now even stays completely at home.

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