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Far too many ant positions and then in stocks like PayPal or Plugpower. Especially when you're young, you should take everything that compounds as well as possible, so get rid of these low-performing dividend stocks. The Clean Energy ETF is too expensive and poorly diversified. Since you are from Berlin, I can recommend you to be in front of the windows at Hellofresh HQ around 3-5pm. You can easily watch meetings there including non-public info 🫠
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@KapriolenCapital your comment is wonderful :D thank you
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@KapriolenCapital briefly OT since when, how and why are you so heavily invested in the 2x MSCI usa? Did you mention this somewhere here?
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@Krush82 I no longer keep my portfolio up to date here. I only have 12% in 2x. AMD, Nvidia and Cloudflare make up 50% and 8% Nasdaq. The rest is LVMH Blackrock, Klac etc. I'm jealous of your Crowdstrike Posi 🥲
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@KapriolenCapital I like your approach. But I thought 80% was too much of a good thing, if you had actually weighted it so highly. I can imagine adding the 2x at some point. But as long as my Top 2 Dual Momentum experiment is running, I'll leave my portfolio as it is for now and just continue to expand MSFT, NET and CRWD plus MSCI World. PS: Aren't your Cloudflare positions looking as good as my Crowdstrike?
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@Krush82 yes, but I can remember how I struggled to get Crowdstrike at 100 and didn't do it. If only I could have