good luck
i had also considered buying here but the dependence on government regulation put me off
@Memo0606 healthy attitude - is the same as Gazprom, if you make a total loss you can't complain too much because no healthy UN pays such a high dividend, they only pay it to attract investors despite the immensely high risk
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@Memo0606 It was also on my mind for a long time...almost 51% state, dividend discussion 2024, special tax 2024, CEO change 2024...but all in all interesting for me and will build up to the first target of 200 pcs.

And the state is dependent on good earnings and the resulting dividends from $PETR3.
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@__FunFun__ I have a somewhat more differentiated view in some areas, as the Brazilian government has firmly budgeted for these high dividends, which it receives with a stake of almost 51%.

If it were to drive things against the wall, there would be a big gap in the budget and I think that is something that is being looked at.
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@__FunFun__ Gazprom only failed because the Ukraine crisis intervened.
Otherwise, many people here would be happy about this share
@GoDividend exactly "if that hadn't happened" ^^ that was a risk that everyone knew and everyone knew that it wasn't low, so it was factored into the price of the share - hence the high dividend to attract investors despite the high risk
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@__FunFun__ So you're factoring in wars that could break out at some point. Congratulations. I'd love to have your crystal ball
@GoDividend Where did I explicitly say that?

So it was foreseeable that Russia would act somewhere, be it through war or other actions (which are sanctioned by the West) to STRENGTHEN their control over luhansk and donetsk - the "war" is not just 2 years ago ^^ see Crimea and the 2 regions that were effectively under Russia's control even before the war
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@GoDividend Can we share it then, I've heard it's also good for emerging markets^^
@GoDividend I also had Russian shares - nornickel - that was clearly a gamble and not a fundamentally solid/safe investment, I just thought Russia would take a while to act.
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@__FunFun__ But you are generalizing everything, i.e. with regard to the high dividends, and that doesn't really fit into the overall context.

Especially as Brazil would not exactly be known for its art of war.