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Yes, it looks a bit strange.😅 We'll pass it on to our colleagues for correction.
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@Ch_ris I'm sorry to hear that :) I'll ask again and I think I can give you an answer by Monday :-) I'll have to find out exactly where the problem lies
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@California_Dreamin The data is corrected and apparently replaced again with the next database update, as it is assumed that our provider always has the most up-to-date data.

We'll have to see what we can do about this.
@Kundenservice hello getquin team. This ETF seems to be still pulling wrong data for you guys. Please correct this as this is also breaking our country allocation of our portfolios....
@Kundenservice So neither the country breakdown nor the top positions are displayed correctly (at least for me)...
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@user64efa7b981de47e2 @Ilu92
We have overlooked something crucial:

Synthetic replication, so the swaps are mapped and not the theoretical index.
The issuer presents it in exactly the same way on its website.

After all, a synthetic ETF uses swaps to try to replicate the index return rather than buying the index itself.