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I have it on the WL, nice DivGrowth title, had to lose a lot of ground today.
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@Doe yo, first +10% then -10%. The stock market is a bitch sometimes😂 Well, I'll just buy some more tomorrow.
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@Psychedelic_Sunflower somewhat overvalued at the moment, I'll wait a little longer 👍🏼
@Doe When would you join?
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@Memo0606 It doesn't really matter, you can't catch the right time anyway
@Doe yes, but it's not cheap at the moment anyway
which shares do you find attractive at the moment?
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@Memo0606 take a look at my watchlist 😁
@Doe all clear
have had $ODFL on the list for months 🙃😩 in itself you just have to get in there jtz
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@Memo0606 When I saw Old Dominion for the first time, the price was just under €90😏