I think the word "risk-free" and securities have no place in the same sentence. 😉

Investments in securities are subject to a certain amount of risk, but with $SPYI you have everything in one product - from industrialized nations, emerging markets and small caps.
The ETF takes care of the balancing and structure for you.

You can think about other assets (bonds, gold, crypto) as diversification.

Every security you pick up (whether individual security or ETF) is already included in the ACWI and you then overweight it.
It doesn't have to be bad, but it doesn't diversify you any further.
@MoneyISnotREAL Thank you for your answer, I will include gold 100% in my portfolio, bonds are not so interesting for me (as the return is almost identical to the overnight money account) and I am not yet so into crypto. Are you invested in cryptos?
@TheMo1 I have no idea about crypto.

I read up a bit on bonds once, but it was somehow "foreign" to me and for my younger years it was somehow uninteresting.

I thought about gold once, but have since discarded it.
@MoneyISnotREAL I find gold very interesting, it is the opposite of equities and very good in times of crisis. A maximum of 10% in the portfolio wouldn't do any harm.
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@TheMo1 would rather go for 5%, but that's a matter of taste. If you don't want to buy physical gold, then it's best to go for an ETC with the right to surrender. This has the advantage that the profits are tax-free after a holding period of one year. The EUWAX Gold ll ETC is an example of this.
@SpinXO Can these also be invested in Trade Republic or elsewhere?
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