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Since Bitcoin, precious metals have become obsolete as an investment. And when the Internet fails, medicines, cigarettes, ammunition and canned food will be more valuable than a few coins.
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@svenleowe That's a daring thesis with Bitcoin, but I think the fronts are hardened among you hardcore fans. But it's also not my topic... in this sense: Thank you for your opinion. 🤝
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@InvestmentPapa 80% of the money that otherwise flowed into gold as inflation protection/investment etc. is now flowing into Bitcoin. There's a good graph where you can see exactly how gold has stagnated since Bitcoin. The investment case for gold simply does not work anymore. It also becomes clear when you realize why gold has value and that Bitcoin is simply 10x better for the use case.
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@svenleowe Then I'll be happy to have a watch made out of Bitcoins in the near future. My wife will soon get ear studs made of Bitcoins for her birthday. By the way, we will soon be using Bitcoins in our smartphones, as their material has 100x better physical properties than gold... 👌 With all due irony, I think you should look away from the instrument of value and towards the use and benefit in our daily lives, whereby physical materials will always have a value. So much for the topic of gold and Bitcoin under the article on silver. 😇😅 (But of course I enjoy discussing such things as well. Only in how far we will come there on a common denominator - rather questionable) 😊
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@InvestmentPapa jo, klimbim and smartphones do not make up the majority of the value of gold... bad argument
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@svenleowe What is the current use case for bitcoin value? World peace? Unfortunately, we are going around in circles. Both beliefs with which I can do NOTHING. 😅 I see both things as diversification on a small scale, nothing more nothing less. Objective. Soberly. both have relevance. One for several centuries (just because you negate something doesn't mean it's not there) and the other for a little over a decade. The second, crypto, has yet to prove its point in utility, purpose and meaning (it already does to some extent). We can therefore be curious to see how this will still develop.