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I think silver and gold are not interesting for quick profits. Put away for times of crisis ok, but just with a not too high expectations. Hold myself some silver coins and gold coins, but we should not hope for the total crash, so that these are interesting as a medium of exchange😉 Coins are nice to look at for me, a security in terms of value, depending on the entry price of course, but nothing more. For great speculation in my opinion rather uninteresting.
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@Wellenreiter That's just how it looks. Therefore, in my example, the consideration of at least 10 years is also quite significant. In the event of a total crash (I do not believe so at all in it...) I would be with my ABSOLUT collection certainly quite far ahead... 😅😇
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@InvestmentPapa would then be our chance on the market and private😉 you can still dream or😅
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@Wellenreiter But very big "Yessss!" 😂😅