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But the Satoshi wallet with 1,000,000 BTC is at risk, right?
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@PowerWordChill is in the article :D
Theoretically yes - practically it's not so easy because Satoshi has never moved the coins and therefore the public key of the addresses is not known. Accordingly, both hash algorithms + elliptic curve would have to be cracked - and that per address (Satoshi has approx. 20,000 different😂)
But yes, it is theoretically possible that the coins will gradually return to the market in the distant future :)
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@stefan_21 sorry typical case of tldr 😅
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@PowerWordChill No problem, it's become a lot of text😅
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@stefan_21 oh, as soon as the time comes, Peter can simply move the coins 🤷
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@DonkeyInvestor that's how it is😂😂