
My dividend plan

I'll keep this short.

As you can see my plan is to get $5000 in dividends every month (or average). I sit down often and look where I need what and when.

Now I don't butter like many others in savings plans but use a margin account with a broker that doesn't offer that. My watchlist deals with about 50 stocks that I divide into several "folders" on. This leads to the fact that I often have to search in which folder they are.

The folders I have renamed in the months when the ex-day is ... Was not so smart with some because often it is so that the Payday 1Monat later is😅. This leads to the fact that mostly three months in the year is distributed too much and others limp. Joar as I said wanted to keep it short.

To the dividend hunters what goals do you have and how do you handle the monthly distribution?



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This year I crack the 400€ net per month 💪😁 In the future will try to increase every year by 100€ 😁👍
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Here's a question from someone who doesn't follow a dividend strategy: Isn't it better to pick companies completely independent of their payout date or interval and divide the full year's dividend by 12? I understand that in the wealth building period you reinvest dividends immediately, but you are aiming to build passive income to live on at some point. So why buy companies by payout date and not 100% by conviction from the company? For example, in 2022 someone gets 20,000€ dividend spread over the whole year which he leaves in his clearing account. Starting in 2023, he can transfer €1,666.66 to his bank account every month with 100% certainty. This is how I would do it if I wanted to build a passive income every month, am I missing something?
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@Andreas1991 which app do you use for the overview? Or is that the user interface of your broker. Thanks for the answer
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1500€ per month until 35, ambitious but not impossible. Maybe I can do it. The distributions are even a little more uneven than yours, I have a peak in May and a lull in every first month of the quarter due to my German shares.
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Yes 400€ is also realistic for me this year 👍
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Have as FSJler and now as a student freshly started on the stock market. (beginning of February) For me, actually only a dividend strategy came into question. goal this year are the 100€ net/ per year. currently I stand at just under 95€, so it should be achievable, despite low sums. in the long term 3000-4000€ net per year would be a dream 👍🔥
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What kind of app is this?
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May I ask what dividend yield you expect? So vllt I think auhc too small but 5000 $ / Euro dividend in the months sounds for me übelst crass!
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